24 April 2019. Lorna Campbell, Daphne Loads & Susan Greig. Mini-series: Blogging – What is it good for? Teaching Matters Blog University of Edinburgh.
16 April 2019. Susan Greig and Daphne Loads Building academic community through professional development: The value of reflection and motivation Teaching Matters Blog University of Edinburgh.
June 2018 – I participated as line manager of a student Intern in ISG at the University of Edinburgh in this video on importance of student employment.
A Blog post for Bournemouth University Centre for Excellence in Learning (CEL) 4 July 2018 CEL embraces CMALT
Blog post for the ALTC Blog, January 16 2018 How we scaled professional recognition for staff working with Learning Technology at the University of Edinburgh
Which earned me a badge, details here
University of Edinburgh IS NEWS, Jan 14 2018 Largest number of CMALT holders in the UK
Short article I wrote for BITS Magazine about the student internship post I managed ‘Open Content Intern’ Autumn 2017 – Page 8
BITS magazine is a print magazine produced three times a year by the Information Services Group (ISG) at the University of Edinburgh, it includes a range of features on services and activities in ISG and is aimed at an broad audience across the University.
Short article I wrote for BITS Magazine congratulating our first University of Edinburgh CMALT Holders Summer 2017 – Page 12
BITS magazine is a print magazine produced three times a year by the Information Services Group (ISG) at the University of Edinburgh, it includes a range of features on services and activities in ISG and is aimed at an broad audience across the University.
23 Things for Digital Knowledge 2017
As a Learning Technology Advisor at the University of Edinburgh. I have the pleasure of being part of the 23 Things Team. My colleague led on this project and wrote all of the content, so that I could understand what was involved to better support this, in 2017 I took part, blogged about all of the ‘things’ and gained my badge.
Digital Education in a Global Context Assignment April 2016
Open Educational Resources (OERS) in HE
January 2016
I created this website, which is an Open Education Resource (OER) about licencing and using OERs in Higher Education, as an assignment submission for the course An Introduction to Digital Environments for Learning (IDEL) . This course is part of the MSc In Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh.
University of Edinburgh: Educational Design and Engagement Team Blog
April 2013 Onwards
I write regular contributions to our team blog site and I’ve also archived these posts here:
ALT C 17, Building #CMALT Community – Empowerment in Learning Technology
Celebrating the first year of CMALT
What I did in my holidays…Become a Manager with Lynda.com
2016 Digital Day of Ideas (#DigScholEd) – Workshop – Make Your Own Chat Bot
Elearning@ed 6th May 2016: Keynote – Dr Laura Gogia
Behind the scenes at #OER16 Open Culture 19th & 20th April 2016
GeoLocation in Learning and Teaching Event Wednesday 25th February 2015
Screencasting software: some thoughts on the best options
MELSIG – Social Media for Learning #1 at Liverpool John Moores University 3rd June 2014
Setting out on an Agile project journey: Part 1, User Stories and Poker Chips
“Bring Me That Horizon” Jisc RSC Scotland Conference & iTech Awards 7 June 2013
An afternoon of Social Media: Tweets Posts and Analytics – 15 May 2013
Digital Scholarship: Day of Ideas 2, 2nd May 2013
ELearning@Ed Conference – 12 April 2013 – Just how flexible is flexible?